Our Dinosaur Skeletons replicas are museum quality skeletons created with polyurethane resins, made in the USA. Active Science Parts is the online leading supplier of precise museum quality dinosaur skeletons replicas.

We provide the finest skeleton specimens for professional educational facilities. Our superior osteological reproductions are used in the study of advanced anatomy, anthropology, archaeology, forensics, pathology, primatology and zoology.

Standard production time is 1 month, check with us to confirm build time and delivery.

To duplicate the detail of exquisite fossil dinosaur specimens, we use silicone rubber as a molding material. Once finished, all of our molds are hand poured with high quality solid-preforming casting medium.

A few of our dinosaur skeletons can be mounted from the ceiling, or in diffeferent positions. Our skeletons can be constructed according to your needs, allowing you to fashion a more dynamic exhibit.

Showing 1–9 of 10 results

Allodesmus Kelloggi Mounted Skeleton

Allodesmus had the specific anatomical features found in modern polygynous pinnipeds: strong canines for fights between bulls and teeth with well-defined growth zones, a result from periodic fasting (in order to defend their harem, males would not take to the sea to feed during the breeding season).

Chalicothere Moropus Elatus Skeleton

Unlike modern perissodactyls, chalicothere moropus or Chalicotherium had clawed feet. They had longer forelimbs and shorter hind limbs, lower incisors that cropped food against a toothless pad in the upper jaw, low-crowned molar teeth, and were browsers on trees and shrubs throughout their history.

Chasmosaurus Belli Skeleton Replica

The frill of Chasmosaurus Belli or chasmosaurine ceratopsian is very elongated and broader at the rear than at the front. It is hardly elevated from the plane of the snout. With C. belli or chasmosaurine ceratopsian the rear of the frill is V-shaped and its sides are straight.

Dimetrodon Limbatus Mounted Skeleton

The skull of Dimetrodon Limbatus is tall and compressed laterally, or side-to-side. The eye sockets are positioned high and far back in the skull. Behind each eye socket is a single hole called an infratemporal fenestra.

Dwarf Mammoth Skeleton Replica

Dwarf elephants are prehistoric members of the order Proboscidea which, through the process of allopatric speciation on islands, evolved much smaller body sizes (around 3 ft. 3 in. to 7 ft. 7 in.) in comparison with their immediate ancestors.

Eremotherium Laurillardi Skeleton

Eremotherium is an extinct genus of ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae, endemic to northern South America, Central America, and parts of southern North America during the Pleistocene epoch.

Eryops megacephalus Fossil Skeleton

Eryops megacephalus, the fossils of which are found mainly in early Permian (about 295 million years ago) rocks of the Texas Red Beds, located in Archer County, Texas. Fossils have also been found in late Carboniferous period rocks from New Mexico.

Ichthyosaur Skeleton Panel

Ichthyosauria (Ancient Greek for fish lizard) is an order of large extinct marine reptiles sometimes referred to as “ichthyosaurs,” although the term is also used for wider clades that the order resides in.

Maiasaura Juvenile Skeleton Replica

Maiasaura lived in herds and it raised its young in nesting colonies. The nests in the colonies were packed closely together. The nests were made of earth and contained 30 to 40 eggs laid in a circular or spiral pattern. The eggs were about the size of ostrich eggs.