Showing 19–25 of 25 results

Ram Horns For Sale

Ram Horns for Sale: Unleash Your Inner Adventurer Discover the Allure of Ram Horns When you think about ram horns,

Real leopard skull for sale

Real leopard skull for sale If you are an avid collector of animal skulls, then you have probably considered adding

Short Faced Bear Skull

The Short Faced Bears were extremely large and weight estimates have been in excess of 1300 pounds & their limbs were very long. They were approximately five feet at the hip and stood about 15 feet tall. They died approximately 28,000 years ago.

Sloth Bear Skull Replica

The Sloth Bear is found in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. They feed primarily on termites. Its nose and lips are modified for more efficient consumption of termites. They are also missing the two upper central incisors, exclusively for this purpose.

Western Horse Skull Fossil

Equus occidentalis (commonly known as the Western Horse) is an extinct species of wild horse that once inhabited North America, specifically the Southwestern United States, during the Pleistocene epoch.

White-tailed Deer Doe Skull

White-tailed deer inhabit tropical and temperate deciduous forests ranging from Canada through much of South America. They are the most

Woolly Mammoth Tusk Replica

Dwarf elephants are prehistoric members of the order Proboscidea which, through the process of allopatric speciation on islands, evolved much smaller body sizes (around 3 ft. 3 in. to 7 ft. 7 in.) in comparison with their immediate ancestors.