Fertile male sperm for sale can be obtained through various methods, including sperm donation and purchase from a Here . Here are the key points:
Sperm Donation
- Sperm Donation Process: A fertile male donates his sperm to a couple or single woman who is infertile. The sperm is collected through masturbation, frozen, and quarantined for at least six months before being released for use.
- Donor Screening: Potential donors are screened for communicable diseases and genetic abnormalities. They are also tested for health and genetic quality before their sperm is used for fertility treatments.
- Anonymous vs. Known Donors: While most sperm donors are anonymous, some may be known by the recipient. Known donors may be required to undergo the same screening and testing as anonymous donors.
Purchasing Sperm from a Sperm Bank
- Sperm Bank Services: Sperm banks offer frozen sperm samples that can be used for various fertility treatments, including artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
- Payment and Storage: The cost of sperm varies, and some sperm banks offer storage options for purchased vials. There may be additional fees for shipping and transportation.
- Vial Buy-Back and Exchange Programs: Some sperm banks offer programs to buy back or exchange unused vials of sperm.
Supplements for Male Fertility
- FertilAid for Men: This supplement is designed to support male fertility by enhancing sperm count, shape, motility, and integrity. It contains a blend of herbs, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
International Sperm Banks
- International Cryogenics: This sperm bank offers facilities for sperm collection, freezing, and storage. They have a long history of helping patients achieve their fertility goals through anonymous donor sperm programs.
Home Insemination with Donor Sperm
- Using an Overseas Sperm Bank: It is possible to purchase sperm directly from an overseas sperm bank and have it shipped to a UK licensed fertility clinic for treatment.
These options provide various ways for individuals to access fertile male sperm for sale, ensuring that they can achieve their fertility goals.
How much does it cost to purchase donor sperm
The cost of purchasing donor sperm varies depending on the sperm bank, the type of sperm, and the services included. Here are some general price ranges and specific costs from different sperm banks:
Cryos International
- ICI-ready MOT05 donor sperm: $440 USD per vial.
- Prices for donor sperm and services: Range from EUR 100 to EUR 2,048 excl. VAT, depending on donor profile preferences and required sperm motility.
European Sperm Bank
- Donor sperm (MOT20+):
- ID release: €1,035 per straw.
- No ID release: €755 per straw.
- American donor, ID release: €1,295 per straw.
- Donor sperm (MOT10+):
- ID release: €975 per straw.
- No ID release: €685 per straw.
- American donor, ID release: €1,195 per straw.
- Pregnancy Slot: €550 (refundable if pregnancy is not achieved).
- GeneXmatch: €995 (for minimizing disease-causing genetic combinations).
- Shipping:
- Within Europe: €295.
- Outside Europe: €695.
- Storage:
- 6 months: €80.
- 1 year: €140.
- 2 years: €232.
- 3 years: €324.
- 4 years: €396.
- 5 years: €480.
Indira IVF (India)
- Donor sperm cost: Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 10,000 per vial for IUI or IVF procedures. The cost can go up to Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 15,000 depending on the quality and motility of the sperm.
Sperm Bank California
- ART ICI or IUI vial:
- Open or Anonymous sperm donor (<10 million motile sperm): $785.
- Premium ICI or IUI vial (>10 million motile sperm): $1,095.
- Platinum ICI or IUI vial (>20 million motile sperm): $1,395.
These prices do not include additional services such as shipping, storage, and genetic testing, which may add to the overall cost.
How much do sperm donors make
A guide to sperm donor compensation
If you’re considering donating sperm, it’s fair to wonder how much sperm donors make. Donors receive compensation for their time. Often, the SPERM BANK may provide additional benefits, such as free physicals and infectious disease testing. Read on for more information about donor compensation.
How Do You Make Money As a Sperm Donor?
To become a sperm donor, candidates go through an application and screening process. Usually, this includes an application and interview about your background, providing a family medical history, and physical exam and infectious disease screenings.
If accepted, donors typically sign a contract, often for six months or a year. During this time, donors agree to visit the clinic a certain number of times (typically 1-2 times a week), and to receive a follow-up medical exam six months after your last donation. At each visit, donors go into a private room to provide a semen sample.
After the samples are cleared for donation, intended parents work with the bank to select a donor and use the donated sperm in either intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
How Much Do Sperm Donors Make?
On average, donors receive $100-$150 for each viable sample. Most banks ask for 1-2 donations a week. Therefore, this means you could make between $400-$1200 each month. However, in some cases sperm banks may pay more for donors from underrepresented demographic groups.
Some sperm banks provide other benefits in addition to each donation payment. These can range from free medical checkups (donors should never have to pay out of pocket for any medical costs associated with donation) to free movie tickets. Many banks also offer a referral bonus for recommending other qualified candidates. Some banks may also provide free annual physicals even after you stop donating, to contribute to the medical history for any donor-conceived children.
How Often Can You Donate Sperm?
Most clinics ask donors to provide 1-2 samples a week. Some may allow for more frequent donations, but that can result in lower quality sperm samples. In fact, sperm donor contracts usually require donors to abstain from ejaculation for a day or two before donation. Before signing a donor agreement, make sure you know what it contains and ask any questions you may have.
What Are the Requirements to Donate Sperm?
As a donor, you contribute half of any donor-conceived child’s genetic material. This means they can inherit any of your or your family’s traits, including inheritable diseases. Similarly, infectious diseases can transfer from a donor to the recipient. For these reasons, sperm donation involves certain health and BEHAVIORAL REQUIREMENTS. Sperm donors must:
- Be between the ages of 18-39
- Pass sperm quality, quantity, and viability criteria
- Be able to provide a full family medical history
- Provide blood and urine samples for genetic and infectious disease testing
- Be in good physical and mental health
Each sperm bank may have its own additional donor criteria, including educational or professional achievements or additional screenings.
Help Intended Parents Build Their Family As a Sperm Donor
While PNWF does not run its own donor sperm program, we do partner with several high quality sperm banks. If you are interested in becoming a sperm donor, we can refer you to our partners.
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